January 14, 2009

Clean this up!

Loved this one...
Image from here
The best way to make all the God-fearing people, scratch that, Christians from harming the earth.

P.S. Glad this came my way now, 'coz I just reached 50 posts. :D
P.P.S. No offence intended. But the message was so good, I just couldn't resist from sharing.


slain_angel said...

cngrts for 50th

"cleanliness is a virtue but the absence of it is divine :D "

-Anonymous wise guy

Addicted to the Disturbed State said...


"If you go long enough without a bath, even the fleas will leave you alone." :p

slain_angel said...

you take a bath, you get dirty again
if you cannot beat dirt, join the dirt brigade

smelliness rules :D

Addicted to the Disturbed State said...

*pinches nose and walks out*