wearing your blue jeans when it starts to be brown instead.
trying to finish your Harry Potter book when you are walking along a corridor and someone comes along and you look at him and realise it's Voldemort and you wake up with a start and thank goodness it was a dream.
wearing orange, bright bright orange, when your best friend says "aah, my eyes, my eyes! i am blind!"
pulling the blanket on a sleepover when you finally wake up enough to realise that it is half under that big girl from the next room and you'd only injure yourself if you tried any more.
putting so much eye shadow when your friends look at you and say "oh Gawd, how did you hurt your eye??"
spending so much time on the phone when more than half you allowance goes on in.
ordering the same thing at the take-away when the cook starts making the dish as soon as he sees you coming.
buying your next drink when you start thinking that dancing to .. oh gosh, i can't even remember!.. well now you know that was a good time to stop!
blabbering when you see that 'eeeww, gross!' look on someone's face and you realise some things are better left unsaid.
boasting about how strong you are when your brother finally challenges you to an arm-wrestling match and you can't win even after putting all your weight on him. (I have never lived that down!)
going to each and every book fair when you realise that at this rate you'll soon own a whole rack of books... and you have only finished about half of them!
frequenting pizza joints when you suddenly feel hungry during the day and all you can think about is that 'Arabic Chicken' pizza...
sitting in front of the comp at 1:45 in the morning when you hear the words "are you going to sleep or not" (with a silent '
or else') attached to it.
So off I go, to dream about the cute guy I saw last night and the cheesecake I have been yearning ever since dinner was over. Nighty, night....