September 4, 2009

The melting of 1000 people

Ever felt like you were melting away? I have.

And as it happens when you browse, you see the one thing that makes you think “yes, that’s what I feel like”.

I had one of those a-ha moments today. I came across these pictures of an installation by WWF.

source : Theme

It had a thousand tiny ice people on the steps of Gendarmentmarkt square in Berlin. It was made by Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo. Really cool stuff. All the ice people melted away when the sun came up though :(

A fitting portrayal of the effect on our polar ice caps, don’t you think?

P.S. Read more on it. The installation was intended to do show that the sea levels rise more than 1m by 2100.

1 comment:

VJ said...

nice post:)